Tips for Viewing the Gallery of Daylilies

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Information below the flower image tells name, season, height, blossom size, foliage type (dormant, semi evergreen, evergreen), ploidy (diploid or tetraploid), bloom habit (Extended or nocturnal. Diurnal is not noted.), special features (double, fragrant, rebloom, spider, etc.), hybridizer, year, and price.

Siloam Virginia Henson
Siloam Virginia Henson

E.mid 18" 4" dor dip
Heny 1981

Sinbad Sailor
Sinbad Sailor

L. mid 28"  5.5" dor dip
Moldovan 1980

Sir Mordred
Sir Mordred

Mid 24" 5.5" dor tet
Webster 1990


Mid 26" 5,5" dir tet
Whately 1988

Snowy Eyes
Snowy Eyes

E. mid 24" 3.5" dor dip
Brown 1985

So Lovely
So Lovely

V. late 30"  5.5" sev dip
Lenington 1969

Sonic Waters
Sonic Waters

Mid 28" 6" sev tet
Hanson 1994

South Sea Serenade
South Sea Serenade

Mid 25" 5.5" sev tet
Salter 2001

Southern Gentleman
Southern Gentleman

Mid 21" 6" sev dip
shooter 1993

Sovereign Queen
Sovereign Queen

Mid 30" 6" sev tet
Munson 1983

Spectacular Bid
Spectacular Bid

E. mid 36" 5" dor dip
Saxton 1980

Star of India
Star of India

Late 30" 6" dor dip
Roberts 1992

Star Prince
Star Prince

Late 30" 6" dor dip
Kennedy-Allgood 1993

Starlight Serenade
Starlight Serenade

Mid 25"  5" dor dip"
Kroll 1992

Starry Eyes
Starry Eyes

Mid 24"  4.5" ev dip
Spalding 1979

Stella D'Oro
Stella D'Oro

V. early 23" 3.5" dor dip rebloom
Jablonski 1975

Strutters Ball
Strutters Ball

Mid 28" 6" dor tet
Moldovan 1984

Suddenly It's Autumn
Suddenly It's Autumn

Early 25" 5" dpr do[
Wild 1979


Summer Dawn
Summer Dawn

E. mid 24" 5" dor dip
Wild 1988

Summer Wine
Summer Wine

Mid 24" 5.5" dor dip
Wild 1973

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