Tips for Viewing the Gallery of Daylilies

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Information below the flower image tells name, season, height, blossom size, foliage type (dormant, semi evergreen, evergreen), ploidy (diploid or tetraploid), bloom habit (Extended or nocturnal. Diurnal is not noted.), special features (double, fragrant, rebloom, spider, etc.), hybridizer, year, and price.


Mid 26" 6" dor tet
Griesbach-Klehn  1979

Mardi Gras Parade
Mardi Gras Parade

E. mid 24" 3.75" dor dip
Kroll 1992

Marion Broadnax
Marion Broadnax

L. mid 32" 6" dor tet
Geiesbach-Hardy  1986


Mid 26" 6.5" dor tet
Moldovan 1986

Marmalade Skies
Marmalade Skies

Mid 23" 5" sev tet
Trimmer  1994

Marque Moon
Marque Moon

L. Mid 24" 5.25" dor tet fragrant
Trimmer 1998

Mary Sue Mills
Mary Sue Mills

Mid 32" 6.6"dor dip extended
Henry 1975

Mary Todd
Mary Todd

Early 26" 6" sev tet
Fay 1967

Mayan Poppy
Mayan Poppy

Mid 24" 5" sev tet
Munson  1980



Mid 26" 6" dor dip

Michelle My Belle
Michelle My Belle

E. mid 32" 6.5" dor tet
Hite  1983

Midnight Magic
Midnight Magic

E. mid 28" 5.5" ev tet extended
Kinnebrew  1979

Milanese Mango
Milanese Mango

E. mid 29" 5" ev tet
Kirdhhoff  1987

Mini Pearl
Mini Pearl

Mid 16"  3" dor dip
Jablonski 1982

Miracle Maid
Miracle Maid

Late 28" 6" dor tet
Varner 1981



V. early 25" 4" dor dip

Monson Adam's Rib
Monson Adam's Rib

L. Mid

Monson Am I on Fire
Monson Am I on Fire

L. Mid 26" 5"
Hull $22

Monson Amethyst Ring
Monson Amethyst Ring

E. mid 26" 6"

Monson Badge of Courage
Monson Badge of Courage

L. mid 26" 5.5"

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